Monday, April 04, 2011

Remember This...

If you do find that path in life that speaks to you, and you wish to share it with others in your life, remember this; there will always be those who will denounce, deny, and be skeptical of what you say, believe, and do. Don't let their words hurt you in any way; they are only trying to protect what they perceive as reality. In their eyes, your path is a threat to their reality; see this, and treat them as the injured souls they are, extending genuine compassion whenever possible, and then continue on your way.


Tabor said...

This is pretty Zen. Hard to implement, but probably accurate.

Danny said...

Agreed. It is, and I I never thought I'd be one to embrace that sort of thing. I just know that the older I get, the harder it is to old on to hurts and resentments, as well as hatred. The things that I'm "learning" I've been through before, but this time they are starting to stick. Mindfulness has done wonderful things for me, helping me to realize that I am NOT my thoughts! :)

Nicky Abram said...

Hi Danny, enjoyed reading your thoughtful posts. My husband and I would like to say hello. Hope you will have a wonderful Easter break. God bless.

Danny said...

Thanks, Nicky! Hello to both of you and hope you have a wonderful Easter too!

staysaved said...

Thanks I believe I will hold on to this information!