Friday, September 09, 2005

One More Thing...

You know, I thought of trying to "spruce up," my blog a little bit - maybe play with the template and make it look different. I might give it a try. I must warn you though; I'm not about looks, but more about content. A new look might make it more interesting. I'm not looking to jump on any bandwagon, but I have seen some great blogs, and they inspire me. I guess it's like "whose book has the bettter cover?" I dunno. Anyway, I can be the guy who uses more hyphens, commas, and semicolons than anyone else? In any case, I digress... LOL


Tabor said...

I am the gal that uses more periods and run on sentences than anyone. I already got that award!

Danny said...

Take the crown - it's all yours :)

Kiley said...

Your blog is just great the way it is. :-) Don't go changin' for anyone except yourself, if you sincerely have a PERSONAL desire to change it.

As for Blog-freakiness: I have a huge tendency to CAPITALIZE AND BOLD things. ;-)